Rumor: Sony Xperia Z Google Edition in the works

There’s seems to be a trend building up right now folks, one that involves flagship handsets from various well-known companies being infused with Vanilla Android. Samsung has spearheaded the pact with the SGS4, then followed by HTC with the One and now the latest candidate is Sony’s glass-backed flag bearer, the Xperia Z.

According to Android Central, the Xperia Z running on stock Android will be sold on Google Play Store, but they didn’t include the pricing. Moreover, the site is uncertain whether the “Google-fied” handset will be available outside of the US.

xperia z

Another thing they pointed out is how the Vanilla Android implementation on the Xperia Z will affect some of the features of the said handset. Of course, running on stock Android version has its perks like faster firmware updates, but that would also mean that the Xperia Z will lose some of its distinct features like Mobile Bravia Engine and its proprietary camera apps which are not included on Google’s home-brewed OS.

Without an official announcement from either Google or Sony, things are still up in the air right now. But if this speculation turns out to be true, it’ll be interesting to see how these three marquee handsets stack up against each other as each are on the same playing field in terms of the software. So, which Google Edition handset is it going to be folks? Is it the SGS4, the HTC One or Xperia Z?


The post Rumor: Sony Xperia Z Google Edition in the works appeared first on YugaTech | Philippines, Tech News & Reviews.