New Year plans

 sparks in the dark

First of all:

I wish everyone a Happy, Prosperous, Peaceful and Safe New Year!!!! 

Thoughts for New Year: 

Choose to love—rather than hate. ~

Choose to smile—rather than frown. ~

Choose to build—rather than destroy. ~

Choose to persevere—rather than quit. ~

Choose to praise—rather than gossip. ~

Choose to heal—rather than wound. ~

Choose to give—rather than take. ~

Choose to act—rather than delay. ~

Choose to forgive—rather than curse. ~

Choose to pray—rather than despair.

I don’t like listing New Year’s resolutions.  I always forget where I put the list anyway.

It has been customary for people to  equate change and  fresh start with new year – hence the practice of making New Year’s resolutions.  But I believe that resolutions can be made anytime of the year.

I do have plans though, one of  which is to visit my parents more often. They are now old. Tatay is 87, Nanay is 86.  Tatay’s memory  is now fading fast. So is his appetite for food. Last Christmas, he asked: “What day is today?” When we arrived at the family home for our traditional Christmas breakfast – as I gave him a hug – he inquired: “Who are you?” And he skipped Christmas breakfast.

Another important plan is to refurbish and reorganize my house and work place – something I have long wanted to do.  I want to be more organized and efficient not only for the new year but all throughout.  And the best way I know to achieve this is by putting my house and work place in good order. Well, happily, I have actually already started  working on this last week.

What about you? Got any plans, projects or wishes? )

Again, Happy New Year to all !!! Hurry, blow the trumpets! Bring in the fireworks!  

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