Glassified: Ruler revamped!

A group of talented individuals over at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Media Lab is on the verge of taking the Ye Olde ruler in to its next phase of evolution; from a boring measuring stick to being Glassified.


Unlike the rulers we’ve become so accustomed to, the Glassified does more than just help users to draw a straight line or give the measurement of an object. Thanks to a see-through display with an embedded digitizer, Fluid Interfaces Group’s high-tech ruler can recognize layouts and make simple drawings come to life.

Can’t quite grasp what the Glassified Ruler does? Here’s a short video of the ruler in action:

As you can see by the dangling wires on the Glassified ruler, the team behind this awesome concept still have some refining to do in their invention. Nevertheless, they pretty much have the foundation squared away and we assume that it wouldn’t take long before their creation enters production, if and when the group decides to do so of course.


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